Phil Rzpeka talks with Mike and Brad about crock pots that should order pizza and advertising.
Phil Rzepka is Head of US Digital Media, Performance, Buying, Innovation. Responsible for Global Partnerships and Joint Business Planning for Carat. Phil is the SVP, Head of Digital.

From the Consumer Electronics Show recap that Phil gives us to talking about the future of the future...which is in the future, Phil covers all the bases. We get into The Internet of Things and come up with some surpisingly good ideas and unsurprisingly, a couple of duds. We'll leave that up to you, dear listeners.
#HapticHighFives (really I only put this here because Brad called it genius. Just sayin.
In this episode, Mike and Brad , talk to Phil about how the fashion industry and consumer electronics have collided as well as self-driving cars, potholes and 3d printed pizza.
We won't need blinkers on (self driving cars)
Join us and Phil, watch/listen to this episode of Stream Detroit.
To learn more about Phil Rzepka and his work, visit Carat.
Show Notes
- (02:10) “It’s my job to find the cool stuff”
- (04:40) “But some of the things people thought were going to be duds actually start to make sense.”
- (05:35) “Crock pots that order pizzas?”
- (06:08) “All of this stuff (wearable tech) is becoming invisible which was was one of the really big trends this year (at CES).”
- (6:16) “The fashion industry and consumer electronics kind of collided.”
- (12:20) “Did he say ‘lasers’?”
- (14:45) “I can not guarantee flying cars (in 5 years)”
- (15:35) “I don’t necessarily think its going to be the technology that’s the hurdle (to self-driving cars), it’s going to be Washington, DC.”
- (17:55) “We won’t need blinkers (on self driving cars)”
- (19:23) “There is a huge opportunity (with all of this technology) in the ‘now what’ for this type of stuff”
- (19:55) “The answer to Detroit’s potholes eating vehicle rims could be the Michelin Tweel”
- (23:55) “3D-printed pizza!”
- (24:55) “Adcraft of Detroit is “...a 109 year old start up.” It’s the advertising and marketing club for Metro Detroit. Phil Rzepka is the current president. The club exists to connect people in the advertising and marketing community.”
- (25:00) “Now with over 2,000 members, Adcraft has had great guests this year including Dr. Oz, Sheryl Sandberg (COO Facebook), Jonah Peretti (CEO Buzzfeed).”
- (26:00) “Adcraft also features social functions and sports leagues”
- (27:05) “For startups hoping to get an audience with Carat, make sure you come prepared and informed.”
- (27:35) “The more educated someone is about particular initiatives that we have coming up the easier it is to get in front of the right person.”
- (28:05) “We (Carat) had over a 7 or 8 month period we have over 1,400 different companies come through our offices trying to sell GM marketing or advertising services.”
- (30:10) “Some of the best presentations I’ve seen are 3 minutes long.”
- (31:00) “Our job is to spend money.”
- (33:35) “Flying crockpot!”
- (34:00) “Lots of discussion around advertising fraud”
- (40:15) “Half of mobile clicks are ‘fat-finger’ or bogus clicks”
- (54:15) “Is Oculus Rift and other VR devices going to kill iMax?”
- (55:10) “Haptic VR Gloves will give birth to the ‘Haptic High Five’. You heard it on #BigDigitalThinker first!!”