Scott Monty joins the crew and brings his own cast of characters.
Scott Monty the one and only visionary. Yes, visionary we have proof.

Scott Monty was ranked by The Economist as #1 atop the list 25 Social Business Leaders and by Forbes as one of the top 10 influencers in social media, Alan Mulally, the CEO of Ford Motor Company, called him "a visionary."
What do I care about what a cookie thinks about gay marriage?
In this episode, we talk about Big Data, Haptic Hackability, Social, Internet of Cars, lot's of impressions, lot's of comedy, none of which comes from Mike and what's next for Scott and the future of the world. Next time we'll be less specific.
We need an emoji analyst who is on fleek, babe!
Join us and Scott, watch/listen to this episode of Stream Detroit.
To learn more about Scott Monty and his work, visit his website.
Show Notes
- (3:20) “W.I.W.A.F. When I Was At Ford.”
- (5:30) “Organic Social...isn't free. ”
- (6:47) “#WIWAF (Now it's a hash tag)”
- (11:08) “Introducing the new social media metric: The Grnt...with an umlaut and a silent U.”
- (17:59) “How does an enterprise today cope with the speed of change?”
- (25:57) “That's the problem (with vehicle systems being on the internet.)"
- (30:05) “If you are representing a company online, on television, in print, wherever, you need to act in a certain way. If that way is not consistent with your personality and you have to have this on-camera or an online personality versus a real personality, you may have a problem with the profession you have chosen.”
- (32:30) “What do I care about what a cookie thinks about gay marriage?”
- (33:00) “Haptic Hackability. ”
- (33:17) “Compulsary Automated vehicle discussion”
- (38:30) “Implications of automated vehicles on the trucking, railroad industries”
- (39:40) “60% of US jobs are driving related”
- (42:00) “Airline safety -automation discussion”
- (44:30) “Automated vehicles will be a real pivot point for the insurance industry”
- (49:00) “New areas of data including emoji and sentiment analysis being offered by SF-based Zignal”
- (50:02) “We need an emoji analyst who is on fleek, babe!”
- (52:00) “Scott, Brad and Mike talk about digital trends - visual communications (pics and video), Meercat and Periscope, mobile live-streaming video.”